You tube prepo
You tube prepo

This game is made in Javascript using the CreateJS framework. To play slowly, just click on 'slow' at the title screen, or change the settings by clicking on the button in the game. If you think this game is too fast or too difficult for your students' English level, then you can play in 'slow' mode. The scenes get progressively more difficult both in terms of the language and the time allowed. For each of the 9 scenes there are 12 objects that must be positioned correctly once this has been done, the student proceeds to the next scene. The prepositions used in this game include the following: in, on, under, above, next to, right, left, behind, in front of and between. These were chosen in the hope that they provide real-life context and match situations in which students may actually hear and use prepositions in their daily life.

You tube prepo tv#

A total of 9 scenes are used in this game: front room, bathroom, bedroom, fridge, park, cafe, classroom, TV and office. The objects can be moved with their a mouse or by touch using a mobile device. To play the game a student just has to read the sentence and then move the matching object to the correct position. Each time a student reads and understands a preposition and then moves the object accordingly, they are re-enforcing the meaning in a realistic context. Students can actively move objects and see them positioned according to a preposition it is hoped that through this, students can get a more concrete understanding of prepositions and their meaning. And in a way that is interactive with immediate feedback. The aim of this game is to give students an opportunity to practise prepositions in a way that has a clear visual context.

you tube prepo you tube prepo

In this game, all the preposition used are prepositions of place which means that they describe where objects are in relation to other objects. Other examples of preposition include 'under', 'by', 'with', 'without', 'because of'. For example the sentence "The book is on the shelf" contains 2 objects (book and shelf) and the preposition 'on' denotes a relationship between them.

you tube prepo

The prepositions are generally basic and the vocal is quite low level.Ī preposition is a word or phrase that shows a relationship between 2 things in a sentence. It is suitable for English as a second language students rather than native speakers. This is a mini game for practising prepositions in English.

You tube prepo